These are my first story notes I want to take as much time to develop the two wizards I'm starting with Alatar and slowly building his back story, I hope that little by little they will reveal themselves to me like Middle earth did to Tolkien.
Alatar and Pallando
remained in the east Tolkien mentions that he fears they might have failed in
their tasks like Saruman did, maybe not in the same manner but,
I really do not know anything clearly
about the other two [the Blue Wizards] I think
they went as emissaries to distant regions, East and South, far out of
NĂºmenorian range. What success they had I do not know; but I fear that they
failed, as Saruman did, though doubtless in different ways; and I suspect they
were founders of or beginners of secret cults and "magic" traditions
that outlasted the fall of Sauron.
In the Words of Alatar
…Pallando stayed in the East, it’s been years now
we are entering the Third age, Sauron is defeated and things seem to be calm,
but this dark feeling I have, it seems to grow with each day, what it is I
cannot say but it is a feeling that I fear will haunt me till my end of days. The
spirits have told me tales of the west and, they tell me about a king named
Isildur and his defeat of Sauron, the spirits also tell me many tales and happenings in the west...
Little is said about what the fate of the blue
wizards is, Tolkien himself only wrote about them in the unpublished letters
from 1958, he does go on to mention that they start secret cults of magic from
the freed Melkor worshippers
The short story will describe Alatar’s decent into
madness what magic cults where started.
…I have been in the south for over a hundred years
now, the dark feeling keeps growing, I fear that Sauron has not completely
disappeared from this world and that he might be biding his time, my time in
the south has revealed to me that man has the capability to learn about magic, I
have found a man by the name Merlaus, he has gifts not found in common man like
my brother Radagast he can understand the hearts of beasts, this leads me to
believe that Eru gave man hidden talents that even he was not aware of, what
could this mean…
Even though Tolkien gives Gandalf the role of
mentor to Aragorn the real character of Merlin was an addition to the tales of
Arthur, I’d like to give life to an actually human Merlin type character in the
world of Tolkien one that can help a future king in his own struggles like
Gandalf to Aragorn.
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